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Some Fun I Had

I just updated my about a little event I had last Monday.

Read the entry here.


I am doing a quick post to say why you have only seen my del.icio.us links here lately.

I have been under a crazy schedule. What do I mean? Its just after 8pm, and I just finished dinner. I got home around 7:30, and I left my room at 8:45 this morning. That what it has been for the past week or two. I do have a slew of posts to do, but since I am not Mr Speedy, nor do I have a few doubles of myself I have to figure out what’s best. Sadly my blog isn’t on the top of the list.

Here on this post, I was testing to see if the error Matt found, was fixed. It still didn’t index right at . Finally after sending support requests in since Feburary, I heard back. It seems as though it had a bad database entry or something like that.

So this is another test post.

I am not sick or anything, so no need to worry about that, I just have been having 10.5 hour days with one break. I am going to do my Political Science paper now…

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About There

I am about over this bug, but I have this real nasty cough now. Even if I didn’t, I would have to make you guys wait still. Because I have work to catch up on, and next week is finals. So you guys have to wait some more.

Out of it

I am pretty sick. About a 101 degree temperature. So if you are thinking why hasn’t Ryan replied to my comment, this is why. I am planning to catch up in a few days.

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Can it get any Worse?

So lately a friend and I have been having not so good conversations from my perspective. We talked a lot this summer. It was really nice, I know she still cares and such. Like this summer, she said sorry if she had more than let’s say a minute or maybe two to reply almost no matter what…but lately that margin has changed. Yesterday I waited 20 minutes for a reply. And then sometimes, it is like the whole topic was forgotten. Saying stuff out of the blue, or things that were relevant previously in our conversation.

I atm not trying to be hurt, but it’s hard. Having somebody there for you and within days fading away, becoming one of those you say a quick hi every so often and that’s that.

Yeah, I have to say that our world’s are pretty different in reality. But like I just said I care a large amount for this person, and something like this just tears me up. It used to be the case that when she would take an extended period of time to reply, something was wrong. Knowing this I ask such questions I get nothing is wrong and such. So I just feel like it is gone, and doesn’t want to talk or something.

Beyond that, tonight while I was sitting here in my dorm room, I had my hands upon my knees. Well my right knee cap felt squishy. That frightened me out a little. That may be the first signs of water on the knee. Although I have 22CCs of whatever fluid on my left knee, and had it since 11th or 12th grade. I am not sure why I am getting it on my right. It has been a little cool in my room tonight, so I am hoping that’s it. I would go into the Hall Health like Friday afternoon, but I have a midterm Friday afternoon. So I can always play the game and rush through to get to see the doctor late afternoon, or wait till Monday…

Technorati Tags: relationships, injury, knee

[Blogger] Still alive

Yeah so I don’t have mono, but close.

[Blogger] Health Update

So I had blood drawn yesterday afternoon to see if I have mono and anemia. They said it would take around 2 hours for mono, and a day for anemia. I haven’t heard a thing yet, if I don’t by tomorrow afternoon I’ll go in and ask.